Hi! I’m Corey.

Corey Goldstein grew up living an active lifestyle, playing every sport possible and always on the go. His younger brother, Cameron, was in a car accident at a young age that left him without the use of his legs. Growing up Cameron was Corey’s biggest cheerleader, watching eagerly from the sidelines, but it was obvious just how much Cameron wanted to join in.

Things changed when Corey’s school hosted a wheelchair basketball fundraiser for a community member who had been recently paralyzed in a boating accident. Corey suggested the idea to his younger brother and his eyes lit up. Soon enough Corey was the one cheering from the sidelines, watching his little brother shine.

Corey has seen firsthand the physical abilities of those with disabilities, and how discovering those abilities can turn someone’s life around. With the creation of this site, Corey’s hope is that he can spread information about safe options for physical activity, and be the turning point for someone else.